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Statewide Arts Convening Agenda
Tuesday, March, 19th 

8:00-9:00am - Registration

Auditorium Reception Area 


9:00-9:15am - Opening Remarks 

Russell Reid Auditorium 

8:00-8:45am - Continental Breakfast

Auditorium Reception Area


Kim Konikow, Executive Director of NDCA, sets the tone for the Convening by incorporating this year’s theme, “Sharing Our Stories,” towards the progression of the arts in North Dakota.  

9:15-10:45am - Keynote "Sharing Our Stories"

Russell Reid Auditorium 

Thaler Pekar, a pioneer in the field of persuasive conversation, speaks on the importance of narrative, story, and persuasive communication and how to apply this practice to be heard, understood, and influential in promoting your participation in the arts.

10:45- 11:15am - Networking Break

Auditorium Reception Area

11:15am-12:15pm - Concurrent Sessions: Choose One

Rooms A/B, Great Plains Theater, Event Center

Room A - Partnerships to Effect Change: A dynamic group consisting of Brenna Gerhardt, Executive Director of Humanities North Dakota; Wayne Beyer, Director of Wahpeton Parks & Recreation Department; and Cassie Theurer, Digital Asset Specialist for ND Tourism, share the importance of strengthening communities through partnerships to create a collective voice. Facilitated by Searle Swedlund, Executive Director of Jamestown Tourism and NDCA Board member. 

Room B - Strengthen North Dakota: Megan Laudenshlager discusses how to tell inspiring stories that can effectively increase fundraising goals, how to vocalize a successful “ask,” and creating innovative techniques that strengthen community development.

Great Plains Theater - Accessibility for All: Sherry Shirek, Accessibility Consulting Services & Training – Arts Access for All, and Amy Schmidt, NDCA Accessibility Coordinator, speak about creating an environment of success for people of all abilities and the language necessary to advocate their stories.

Event Center - Consultations - North Dakota Council on the Arts staff is available to discuss and answer questions about programs. Staff consultations include Rebecca Engleman, Troyd Geist, Robin Bosch and Amy Schmidt. Christy Dickinson, with Arts Midwest Touring Fund, is also available. Arts Midwest Touring Fund engages people in meaningful experiences with the fine arts of dance, music, theater or musical theater, and other performing arts forms. Arts Midwest Touring Fund grants are made directly to organizations in North Dakota, among others. Schedule a personal consultation at registration.

12:15-1:15pm - Lunch, Entertainment, Networking 

Event Center 


Great Plains Theater- “Every Story Is A Gift”: Thaler Pekar engages the audience to share their own stories and demonstrates how these will resonate to transform and inspire individual testimonies and become contributions for the arts.


Room A & B - National and Regional Fundraising Resources: Clifford Murphy, National Endowment for the Arts; Justin Christy, The Bush Foundation; and Adam Perry, Arts Midwest reveal resources available for funding throughout North Dakota, the language within our stories to inspire these funds and initiatives that can invigorate economic advancement within our communities.  

3:15-3:30pm - Break

Auditorium Reception Area

3:30-5:00pm - Keynote, Listening to YOU!

Russell Reid Auditorium 

Sara Peterson, NDCA’s Strategic Planning Consultant, carefully facilitates a discussion by listening to the stories shared by NDCA constituents, and employs these stories to unify and impact the future for NDCA.  Nicole Gagner, Visual Artist, will graphically interpret this session.

1:15-2:15 pm and 2:15-3:15pm Concurrent Sessions: Switch 

Rooms A/B & Great Plains Theater

5:00-6:30pm - Governor's Awards for the Arts Reception

Northern Lights Atrium

6:30-8:00pm - Governor's Awards for the Arts Presentation 

Russell Reid Auditorium 

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

8:00-8:30am - Registration and Continental Breakfast 

Auditorium Reception Area

8:30-8:45am - Greetings

Russell Reid Auditorium 

Terry Jelsing, Artist and NDCA Board member, sets the tone for Day 2 of the Convening, “Advocating Our Story.” 

Kelly Barsdate, Chief Program and Planning Office at the National Assembly of State Arts Agencies, demonstrates how we can harness the power of the collective voice of North Dakota to effectuate change and create a foundation of support throughout our communities. 

8:45-10:15am - Keynote, Harnessing Our Power

Russell Reid Auditorium

10:15-10:30am - Break 

Auditorium Reception Area 

10:30-11:15am - Interview with Carolyn Nelson                    Room B

Longtime colleague Rose Stoller, Executive Director of the Consensus Council, offers a captivating interview with former State Senator Carolyn Nelson. They consider how to extract constructive narration that can effectively advance growth and change at the Legislative level, as well as her development in narrating personal change. 

10:30-11:45am - Creating a ND Chapter of the Statewide Arts Education Association 

Room A

A Collaboration of Art Education: Rebecca Engleman, Director of Arts Education at NDCA, and Brad Bachmeier, TITLE, and NDCA Board Member, illustrate how to facilitate promotion and advocacy for the professional interests and concerns of ND art educators as well as introduce an effort for financial support within Art Education in ND.  

A Mosaic session with Molly McLain, an advocate, artist, and educator. 

12:15am-12:30pm - Closing Remarks/Evaluation

Russell Reid Auditorium 

A farewell from Kim Konikow, NDCA Executive Director, will wrap up the 2019 Statewide Annual Arts Convening. 

11:45am -12:15 pm - Interactive Art Project

Russel Reid Auditorium

11:15am -11:45 pm - Makewell Interview

Room B

Makewell Interview, NDCA's Director, Kim Konikow, will interview Ashton Hauff, founder of Makewell. They will discuss makers, artists, and community support.

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